Monday, October 26, 2015

SS Weekly Report October 26, 2015

The Starting Strength Weekly Report 2015-10-26: Topics from the Forums: “Dangers of Omission” and “How to program sprint intervals.” This week Under the Bar: Finishing October strong. View report in browser View report archive var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; News Announcements Submit your images to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Brent Carter is the winner for the month of October. Articles Steve Dussia concludes his series with Bill Starr: He Wrote the Book SS Coaches’ Updates & Blogs Tom Campitelli introduces (some of) the the masses to the Low Bar Squat Chris Kurisko writes a recap and reflections on the Seattle Starting Strength Seminar Under the Bar Jordan Feigenbaum approaches the bar at the Starting Strength Fall Classic Meet in Oakland, CA. [photo courtesy of Tom Campitelli] Lifters at the Starting Strength Fall Classic Meet in Wichita Falls, TX. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo] Nicole Gibson deadlifts 235lb for a double as Cody Miller provides feedback ten days out from the 2015 Starting Strength Fall Classic in Springfield, MO where she will compete in her first meet. [photo courtesy of Cody Miller] Joanne, age 66, getting back into lifting after a two year hiatus. We’re glad she’s back. [photo courtesy of FiveX3 Training] Starting Strength Coaches Chris Lane and Eric Shugars teach the squat at the 2015 MAHPERD physical education conference. [photo courtesy of Eric Shugars] Greg Wolkoff squats 245x5 under the watchful eye of Coach Nick at WSC. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel] Clay Lacey locks out a PR 450 lb deadlift at the WFAC Starting Strength Fall Classic. Clay went 9/9 in his first meet. [photo courtesy of Nick Delgadillo] Instructing proper elbow position on the power clean at the Focus Personal Training Institute. [photo courtesy of Brent Carter] Dennis Carter pulls 275# for the first time with a double overhand grip at the recent deadlift / power clean Starting Strength Training Camp in Winston, GA. [photo courtesy of Steve Hill] Lori, age 53, deadlifts 225x3. Both Lori and her husband Nick have been consistently training at Horn Strength & Conditioning in Los Angeles for over a year and continue to make steady and impressive increases in strength. [photo courtesy of Paul Horn] 73 year old Pat Edwards of Lock Haven Strength and Conditioning deadlifts 135#x5. She has 2 knee replacements and a rod in her spine, but never an excuse not to train [photo courtesy of Rebekah Cygan] Elisha Graff pulls 225x5 beltless. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel] Click images to view slideshow. Submit your images to Submission guidelines to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Best of the Week Dangers of Omission rm_sidell Constraints in time and, most importantly, adequate training space have forced me to train only the squat, bench, and deadlift omitting the press and power clean from the program. What are some potential dangers in training only the 3 movements listed following a heavy, 3 sets of 5 reps across approach (1x5 for deadlift) on a (non-consecutive) three-day-a-week program? Mark Rippetoe You omit the benefits of the press and clean: balanced shoulder strength and an incremental increase in power display. Danger!! Mark E. Hurling If you only bench press and neglect the balancing benefits of the OHP, you run the risk of shoulder problems. Your anterior deltoids will become overdeveloped and may pull your shoulders forward. This can make your AC joint miserable. Mark Rippetoe My official advice is to equip yourself to correctly do the program. Best of the Forum How to program sprint intervals par2941 I am currently doing the Texas Method and find myself carrying a little bit more pudge. I would like to start doing some metcon in the form of interval sprints, and I would like your input on how to program them. Previously, during my Starting Strength [novice linear progression], I tried to add in sprints for 2 weeks before I realized recovery was too hard. I am thinking that I will start by adding a day in either Tuesday (before my light workout) or Saturday (right after my intensity workout). Previously, I did 4x100m sprints (about 15 sec/sprint) with a minute and a half rest period. As I progress further I plan on working up to 6x100, and maybe later reducing the rest periods. Additionally, I run on an indoor track (200 meters), so that means I have to run around the curves of the track. Perhaps I should program a little differently so I can just run along the straight edges? Mark Rippetoe Add the sprints on Saturday, but do 4 x 100 with no rest control. Take as much time as you need to recover between reps. The sprints are enough by themselves. After several weeks you can start timing your rest. par2941 What is your opinion on sprints overall, when compared to other forms of metcon/energy system training? Right now I don’t have access to a prowler or sled, and the only other thing I can think of would be barbell complexes or crossfit type workouts (30 snatches for time, etc.). Additionally, I read an article on T-nation about how sprint training is dangerous compared to other forms of conditioning. I plan on disregarding that statement, but is there any truth to it? Mark Rippetoe Sprints are better than any “metcon” option, in my opinion. If conditioning is the actual goal, anything that produces the metabolic stress without the eccentric soreness is better at producing the adaptation without interfering with the rest of your training.

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