Monday, August 31, 2015

A 15-Minute Yoga Practice for Better Digestion

Few things can turn a potentially great day into a bad one like a digestive problem. This simple sequence will get you back on track.

Few things can turn a potentially great day into a bad one like a digestive problem. An imbalanced digestive system affects every aspect of life and in acute forms can be debilitating. Below I’m going to share with you some yoga postures that can facilitate and support good digestion. This sequence of postures can be completed in as little as fifteen minutes.

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SS Weekly Report August 31, 2015

The Starting Strength Weekly Report 2015-08-31: Topics from the Forums: “Eight fundamental exercises” and “Death.” This week Under the Bar: Up. View report in browser View report archive var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; News Announcements Anna Marie Oakes-Joudy is the latest winner of the August Under the Bar prize. Submit your images to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Articles Exercise, Government-Style: Rip highlights the deficits in the National Institute on Aging’s recommendations for endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. SS Coaches’ Updates & Blogs The 2015 Charlotte Bohn Charm City Memorial Strongwoman Contest will be held in Baltimore, MD on September 13. Participation at the event or donation is welcome. Chris Kurisko writes on the necessity of commitment for results. Under the Bar Dr.Kellner squats on intensity day at Woodmere Strength & Conditioning. [photo courtesy of Inna Koppel] 73-year-old Michael is getting stronger and moving better than he ever has at Gardiner Athletics. [photo courtesy of Peter Nathan] Jonathon Sullivan cues the chest position in the pull. [photo courtesy of Chris Kurisko] Click images to view slideshow. Submit your images to Submission guidelines to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Best of the Week “Eight” Fundamental Exercises rm_sidell At some point you were interviewed by Mark Barroso from Muscle & Fitness. He asked how many exercises the intermediate-level trainee should be basing their workouts from. You responded, “People trying to be strong need to use eight exercises their entire career…”. Well, I think all of us that have read any edition of Starting Strength can assume that 5 of those lifts will probably consist of the Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press, Deadlift, and Power Clean. What are the other three lifts!? Rows? Triceps Extensions? DIPS!!!!!? This mystery must be solved. Mark Rippetoe Squat, press, deadlift, bench press, power clean, power snatch, chins, haltings/rack pulls. perman I know you’re not a fan of rows Rip, but isn’t horizontal pulling a fairly central function of the arms, shoulders and back? I’d wager a significant portion of the people here regularly does some row, maybe not barbell row though. Both the deadlift and the clean don’t do much for the arms directly and only train certain back muscles isometrically, so then you really only have chins left as a arm pulling movement. I mean you do pushing movements in 2 planes, why is it any different for pulling? For both pulling and pushing, there are both similarities and differences in which muscles gets used in the horizontal and vertical version. From a common sense perspective, only chins leave a hole then, right? Particularly for the rear delts I’d say you don’t get much work without some sort of horizontal pulling movement. Mark Rippetoe How is this not covered by deadlifts, cleans, and chins? Isn’t it interesting that both pushing and pulling are the result of precisely the same thing: muscle contraction? Best of the Forum Death rhett So as I sit here washing down my lunch of 6 eggs with a liter of milk the thought occurs to me: I may be eating myself to an early grave. Is the “caloric deficit” group correct that if you eat less you live longer? I’m certainly gaining weight, and the 60/40 lean body mass (LBM) to fat ratio seems about right, but I wonder about the long term consequences. So finally my question: these powerlifters and weightlifters in the stories on this board - are these people that made it to their 80s and 90s? Maybe it is too early to tell yet. But, anecdotally, the legendary eaters like Phil we-won’t-even-mention-the-contest-to-him Grippaldi, do they die young? Mark Rippetoe If you are more concerned about being 90 than being strong, this is the wrong board to post on. Philbert Who wants to be 90 with femur stress fractures, sarcopenia, and thoracic kyphosis? Do you know that many old people break their hips from walking and fall rather than fall and break their hips? If Oldster has a stroke and loses the use of one side of his body he will still be more mobile than half the people his age in the country. Grip strength is found in medical studies to be a useful predictor of longevity in the elderly. Go squat, and eat your yolks.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Great Coaching, Solid Workouts: "The Kettlebell Body"

Lauren Brooks has upped her game with another great kettlebell workout DVD.

Breaking Muscle receives no compensation in exchange for reviews. We received this product for free and did not experience typical customer service. The opinions expressed belong solely to the writer.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cycling: 4 Ways to Test Your Progress

Gauge where you are with your cycling progress by using one, or all, of these testing methods.

I am fanatical about numbers. I guess that comes with an engineering science background. I find that measuring things helps to keep training focused and gives you an understanding of where you are in your performance or fitness journey. I am a firm believer in the maxim, “What gets measured get done.”

There are many ways you can measure your cycling progress and here are a few, ranging from the simple to the more complex.

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The Myth of Adrenal Fatigue

Did you overwork your adrenal glands or are you getting worked by mythology and marketing?

Sticking to a physical exercise routine is tiring, but the soreness and fatigue from a good workout can easily be alleviated with a full meal and plenty of rest, so you’re raring to go by the time your next workout rolls around.

That’s the theory, at least.

When real life gets in the way, recovery can suffer. Sometimes, fatigue persists for so long between workouts that it doesn’t even seem to be caused by the gym.

If you’ve ever visited a supplement store in an effort to alleviate the symptoms of fatigue, you might have been told you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue. This is a common error. In short, adrenal fatigue doesn’t actually exist.

“Adrenal fatigue” is a marketing buzz term designed to sell products. Though the supposed symptoms of adrenal fatigue—including brain fog, difficulty paying attention and lethargy—are real, adrenal fatigue itself is not a condition recognized by the medical field. If the symptoms are severe enough to interfere in day-to-day life, they could be referred to as the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome but are otherwise simply referred to as “general fatigue.”

If adrenal fatigue doesn’t exist, why do we know and talk about it?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Virtuosity 10: For Life

Many athletes earned the label by coming to a crossroads in life and deciding to take a path leading away from old habits. CrossFit affiliates are there to support those choices with a community founded on fitness, friendship and healthy food.

For Annie Kolatsis, CrossFit Mother City in Cape Town, South Africa, provided the backup when she made her decision to move past an “allergy” to exercise. Kolatsis said she struggled through her introduction to CrossFit but immediately saw that her labors were changing her for the better. Now she wants to renew her membership for life.

Her story is a testament to the good work done by CrossFit affiliates all over the world, and CrossFit Inc. is sending Kolatsis US$500 for sharing her experience. CrossFit Mother City will receive a $500 gift card from Rogue Fitness.

We’re still accepting submissions, and we’re looking for stories that go beyond what we’ve already covered. To increase the chances of publication, read the submission guidelines at the end of the article and review the previous articles in this series. You can find them all by entering “virtuosity” in the search box above.

Write with skill and send your story to We cannot respond to each submission due to the volume, but we read and appreciate them all.

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream With Raspberries on Top: Yes Please!

This recipe is decadent, creamy, and completely dairy-free. I know it seems impossible, but it's true.

Enjoying a decadent creamy dessert was an idea I had tossed away as unattainable when I first decided to go dairy-free. Many of the dairy-free confections that were passed off as ice cream were more icy than creamy and just couldn’t compare to my old favorite indulgence of a true custard-style ice cream. The smooth mouthfeel that we define as creamy can only be created with fats, so using a base that doesn’t have much fat, like almond milk, will not result in the same experience.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Conditioning for Fighting with Mike Perry, Part II: Aerobic Fitness

Training this way will help you get past being a "first round hero" and give you energy in later rounds.

Last week, I discussed energy systems with Mike Perry, from the Skill of Strength. This week, we will use our knowledge of energy systems to discuss how to condition MMA fighters. The training protocols discussed below are valuable for anyone who has unpredictability in their sport or work.

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Exercise, Government-Style

by Mark Rippetoe “The National Institute for Health operates a subdivision they call the National Institute on Aging, apparently charged with, among other very important things, the task of amusing us with their ideas about exercise for older people.” Read More var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; The National Institute for Health operates a subdivision they call the National Institute on Aging, apparently charged with, among other very important things, the task of amusing us with their ideas about exercise for older people. From Wikipedia: “The NIA leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form NIA to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people.” Finally, leadership. Previously we were all just standing around, waiting.Their web page Go4Life illustrates the whole panoply of human activity: Endurance. Strength. Balance. Flexibility. In keeping with everything else the Federal Government’s bureaucracy does, this one is ineffective and inefficient, as well as embarrassingly silly and offensively condescending.Since the NIA has gone to great lengths to pictorially illustrate their ideas about what older people should be doing for exercise, we thought we’d show you precisely what your tax money is being spent on.EnduranceThe capacity known as “endurance” is merely the ability of the body to repeatedly apply sub-maximal amounts of force for an extended period of time. As such, endurance is a function of strength, and for anyone in a position to be concerned with the NIA’s opinion about increasing their endurance, getting stronger will improve endurance more efficiently than, for instance, running, which most older people cannot do. This illustrates something called “Sports.” I suppose this is meant to depict Seated Volleyball. The NIA’s list of suggested sports includes tennis, pickleball (a very slow version of tennis played with wooden paddles and balls that don’t bounce), hockey (ice hockey? for geriatric people??), and golf. Also on the list is wheelchair basketball, a very strenuous competitive sport played at the International Paralympic level; this is not a well-thought-out suggestion for geriatric exercise. Here is an “indoor activity” that uses an exercise machine of some type, under The Watchful Eye of an expert trainer, identifiable by the sign hanging from her neck. Also listed by the NIA are swimming laps, joining a water aerobics class, dancing, performing martial arts (MMA for old people?), and bowling (indoor golf). This photo illustrates “Outdoor Activities” such as cycling. Also suggested by the NIA are horseback riding (where the horse gets to exercise), sailing (a wonderful activity obviously accessible to nearly everyone, everywhere), snorkeling (apparently one swims indoors and snorkels outdoors), jogging or running, and skating (just the thing for older people prone to fractures). “Around The House” is a fine place to be. You’re there anyway, doing things like gardening, “heavy” housework, sweeping, and raking. Things you’d be doing anyway. The “shoveling snow” suggestion is perhaps the most irresponsible on the whole NIA list, because shoveling snow is very hard endurance work for an untrained older person, and kills several people each year. But if you stick to what the lady in the picture is doing, you’ll be fine.This nice older lady is “Nordic Walking” with her poles, following the NIA’s advice to “walk or roll” for endurance exercise. Nordic walking involves not tripping over your poles, mall walking involves not tripping over adolescents, walking the dog involves not tripping over the dog, hiking involves not tripping over trees and rocks, and rolling your wheelchair involves other hazards.{pagebreak}Here is the Starting Strength version of endurance work for older people: This is a weighted sled called “the prowler.” Note that this is actually strenuous, but that the intensity can be precisely controlled and increased with the very gradual addition of a little more weight. As opposed to wandering around in the mall. And this is a deadlift, which increases endurance by increasing strength, and does both better than “Nordic Walking.” StrengthStrength is the production of force against an external resistance. It is a function of your muscles’ ability to contract, thus moving your skeleton and applying force to the objects in your environment, including the floor and the things you touch with your hands. This section is much worse. Here are all the pictures of the upper body exercises – no point in dragging it out. You really must read the instructions for these exercises. The “tips” are all a version of this: “As your progress, use a heavier weight.” Seriously? They fail to understand the most basic principle of physical improvement – that you don’t make progress until you use a heavier weight. {pagebreak}Here are the Starting Strength upper body exercises for older people:Now, the lower body exercises:Quite literally, these “exercises” are positions you occupy anyway. Already. Accidentally. Every day. If they were capable of making you stronger, you’d already be stronger, accidentally. And how would it be possible to make these silly positions difficult enough to continue making you stronger for more than a few days?{pagebreak}Here are the Starting Strength lower body exercises for older people: BalanceEven more interesting are the following positions and “moves” which have been carefully selected to demonstrate the ability to balance, instead of developing this ability, as an exercise should do. Balance is the ability to exert sufficient force against the floor to maintain your center of mass directly over your feet, so you don’t fall. As such, balance is a function of strength. Do any of these positions have the potential to improve your balance? Or do they merely display what is left of this ability as you age?Most of these were obviously developed by The Ministry of Silly Walks, and have precisely the same capacity to improve your balance as the expert coaching of Mr. Putey.{pagebreak}Here are the Starting Strength balance exercises: Note the absence of people falling down. Note also the presence of the barbell, a tool for training balance that is gradually loaded with heavier weights while not falling down. Note also some repetition in the pictures. We don’t use many exercises, and most of them accomplish more than one thing.FlexibilityFlexibility is the ability to display a normal, useful range of motion around the joints of your body. The NIA website has lots of pictures of “flexibility moves” which are also very silly. Here are a few: {pagebreak}We’d rather get something more accomplished, so Starting Strength uses these:Our positions challenge your range of motion more effectively than theirs do, and make you progressively stronger while staying in balance at the same time.Now, here is the important question: Why are older trainees using Starting Strength methods getting stronger, with better flexibility, endurance, and balance, using barbells, while the federal government’s older trainees are restricted to waving their arms and legs around in the air, activities that cannot possibly make anyone stronger? Seniors that have worked with Starting Strength Coaches have increased their strength, retired their walkers, tossed their canes, and decreased their insulin requirements. For both athletes and older people, an approach that is so conservative that it fails to make anything change is a waste of time, and time is much more precious a commodity to an older person.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nick’s Zone: Chorizo Plantain Breakfast Pie

Nick Massie of brings us a spicy breakfast pie with chorizo and plantains.

In a preheated cast-iron skillet, Massie starts cooking the chorizo before quartering the blackest plantains he can find and adding them to the pan.

“The thing I like about this dish is that maybe it’ll expose you to two ingredients that you haven’t used before,” he says of chorizo and plantains. “I recommend incorporating both of them into your diet.”

After adding ingredients including peppers, onions, mushrooms and eggs, Massie covers the skillet to sit while he makes the guacamole.

Once the guacamole is done, Massie suggests broiling the breakfast pie on high for about five minutes to get rid of some of the moisture.

After the pie is sliced, he puts a bit of the guac on top to balance out the fat for a delicious two-block breakfast.

To download the recipe for chorizo plantain breakfast pie, click here.

Video by Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle.

3min 47sec

Additional reading: “Breakfast Cupcakes” by Shirley Brown and Alyssa Dazet, published March 12, 2013.

3 Must-Read Books: Smart Strength With Charles Staley

Charles reveals his three favorite books about strength training as well as his go-to post workout meal (hint: it isn't always a meal).

Note: Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get to the bottom of the biggest questions in health and training. Post your questions directly to Charles in the comments below this article.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Looking for Gains? Manipulate Your Training for Hormone Optimization

You can spend money on products to give you an edge, or you can learn how to tap into the power of your own body.

With the rampant use of steroids and performance enhancing drugs, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest product or “aid” that just might give you the edge you’ve been looking for. But rather than looking for the newest thing out there, we should consider one of the oldest - the human body itself. It turns out, this amazing piece of machinery we get to use every day has built-in performance enhancers known as hormones.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

A Sticky Story

For almost 50 years, Gatorade’s marketing machine has been working to make you thirsty.

You can lead a man to water, but you can’t make him drink. Add sugar, salt, artificial flavors and a good story, and he’ll drink himself to death.

Since the early 1960s, sports-drink companies have worked to sell as many beverages as possible, and now the toughest market segment—people who just aren’t thirsty—has become the target thanks to clever advertising and sponsored research.

Gatorade created the “sports beverage” category and continues to dominate even though its marketing claims contradict scientific evidence, as shown in a document from the California Center for Public Health Advocacy.

Gatorade’s benefits have been hyped by owners of the formula, beginning with Stokely-Van Camp Inc.’s assertion that Gatorade was absorbed by the body “twelve times faster than water,” which was later discredited by its next owner, Quaker Oats. Quaker, already adept at using “research” as a marketing tool, founded the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) in 1988. A year later, Gatorade sponsored the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which in 1996 produced research supporting maximal intake of fluid—especially palatable fluids containing carbohydrates—even before an exerciser became thirsty.

Gatorade’s marketing aside, experts are aware that hydration is actually very simple.

“We have a 300 million year developed system that tells you with exquisite accuracy how much you need to drink and when you need to drink. It’s called thirst,” hydration expert Dr. Timothy Noakes wrote in “Waterlogged: The Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endurance Sports.”

Noakes is right, but sports-drink companies have somehow convinced us to drink when we’re not thirsty.

BDNF Basics: 7 Ways to Train Your Brain

You may lose muscle mass as you age, but you don’t have to lose cognitive function.

With Alzheimer's on the rise and expected to nearly triple in incidence by 2050, it's amazing how many people continue to hit the gym with the same goals they've always had: a smaller waist, bigger biceps, and six-pack abs. But while they're sweating it out on the elliptical, they're forgetting one of the most important muscles in their body - the brain.

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SS Weekly Report August 24, 2015

The Starting Strength Weekly Report 2015-08-24: Topics from the Forums: “How do I deal with a partial patellar tendon tear?” and “Stretch reflex \ Dead stop, what’s better and how it was decided which one to use?” This week Under the Bar: Payoff. View report in browser View report archive var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; News AnnouncementsThe Starting Strength App is set to release in early September. Get a heads up by signing up on the waiting list. Submit your images to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Articles Brodie Butland takes us through some of the problems with the idea of Goverment Licensure for Personal Trainers. Video (and etc) Squat grip set up, step by step. Under the Bar Jana Fiorello squats 135 for 5 sets of 3 in the Black Iron Loft. [photo courtesy of Adam Skillin] Dylan Radler competed in her first meet, making a 225kg/518lb total as a 57kg lifter. Here the start of her 97.5kg/215lb deadlift. [photo courtesy of Rori Alter] Tyler Tan’s 610kg total, including this 222.5kg squat, takes Junior 2nd Place/Open 3rd place and qualifies for USAPL raw Nationals. [photo courtesy of Rori Alter] Ashley catches some air on her third session on the power clean at Fivex3 Training. [photo courtesy of Emily Socolinsky] SS Coach Rob Israel sets a new meet PR with this 463# deadlift. The 48 year old won the 83kg Masters 1 division at the USAPL NJ State Championship with an 1,130# total. [photo courtesy of Rob Israel] Rori Alter totaled 892lb with a 303 squat/203 bench/386 deadlift and broke all 4 NY state records in the 63kg weight class. [photo courtesy of Rori Alter] Marvin buries 205 in his first meet this weekend at the USAPL 19th Annual Bull Stewart (in orange shirt) Alki Beach Classic. [photo courtesy of Andrew Jackson] Matt Vogele squats 230kg on his way to new PRs of 230/130/245 in the Melbourne Cup. [photo courtesy of Matt Vogele] Click images to view slideshow. Submit your images to Submission guidelines to enter this month’s Under the Bar prize drawing. Best of the Week How do I deal with a partial patellar tendon tear? partialpatellartear I have had chronic knee pain for years, but recently noticed that my right patellar tendon (attachment at patella) has been worse and hasn’t been getting better. When squatting I could feel moderate-severe pain and I wasn’t able to use my right side effectively (even with knee sleeves and 2x advil). Was getting pain when sitting and using stairs. Decided to get an MRI. MRI showed 6mm x 6mm x 12mm partial tear in the patellar tendon (and mild patella alta and patella subluxation, edema). After I got MRI results I tried taking two months off from squatting followed by doing my own rehab (light single leg leg presses, light leg extensions, later light squats) but neither the pain nor the strength in my right side appears to have improved when applying load. Stairs and sitting did improve substantially however. Saw a sports medicine doctor who wants me to do physio. I also have an appointment with an ortho but it’s months away and am not optimistic about that either. I would like to eventually squat heavy again (or at all). I know you have experience with patellar tears. My question is what should I be doing? What is safe to be doing? What should I expect to be able to achieve? Mark Rippetoe If this were my knee, I’d want the partial tear repaired. Think about the edge of a piece of paper… John Petrizzo I agree with this completely. Unfortunately, with your diagnosis I don’t think there is any amount of PT that will get you back to heavy squatting again. The only conservative treatment that may be worth a try would be PRP injections. Ultimately I think you should push to get this thing repaired sooner rather than later if your goal is to get back to productive training. Joe Tandy What about a partial tear in a shoulder? John Petrizzo If it is a rotator cuff tendon (such as the supraspinatus), you can train through it for a while. If it develops into a full thickness tear, then you should get it repaired. The difference between the shoulder girdle and the knee is that there are so many muscles with attachments around the glenohumeral joint that they can compensate pretty well for one partially torn muscle. For that reason, even if the tendon of one of the shoulder muscles ruptures under a load, the result is usually not catastrophic (with the exception of maybe the pec during the bench press). However, a partially torn patellar or quad tendon that ruptures under a load can turn into a very bad deal because they are the only tendons that attach all of your knee extensors to your tibia. If you lose the function of your knee extensors under a load, you lose control of your knee. At my last meet a lifter blew out a quad tendon on their third attempt squat. The sudden loading of the opposite leg resulted in a quad tendon rupture on the contralateral side, and the resulting anterior shearing of the femurs and tibias from the loss of control of the knees secondary to the torn quad tendons lead to bilateral ACL tears. Very nasty (and unusual) injury that delayed the meet for about 45 minutes and sent this lifter to a rehab facility following his surgeries. That is why Rip and I both recommended the OP get his patellar tendon repaired. It is not worth the risk of developing a full thickness rupture under a load. However, your situation may be different depending on the muscle involved as Rip has already indicated. Best of the Forum Stretch reflex \ Dead stop, what’s better and how it was decided which one to use? TalEphrat One of the differences between the 2nd edition press to the 3rd, is the fact that now every rep starts at the bottom. Also, you mention that the deadlift has a great quality since it starts at the most difficult part of the movement, which is a dead stop. It’s mentioned at the book also about the Pull ups / Chin ups, that the “golden rep” starts from a dead stop. So my questions are: In general, what’s better for strength gains, movements that start at the top and uses the stretch reflex to bounce up from the bottom, or movements that starts from a dead stop? And does it vary between different movements? If the answer to 1 is a dead stop (which maybe made you change the Press a bit), why don’t we start also the Bench press and the Squat from a dead stop at the bottom? All I could think about is the logistical problem, and the fact that there’s nothing ideal to “rely on” at the bottom at the Squat and Bench press. But I’m not sure these are the reasons. Mark Rippetoe Both are necessary for strength training. The squat probably works as well as it does for gaining strength and bodyweight because it incorporates the stretch reflex, and the deadlift is as hard as it is because it doesn’t. The traditional way to squat has the bar walked out of the rack, so an eccentric/concentric order is natural given the typical equipment with which the squat evolved. If you want to start a squat with the concentric at the bottom, you must use boxes or a power rack, although you wouldn’t need as many plates because this cuts your squat weight almost in half. The deadlift is obviously dependent on the floor, which is usually available. One is not better than the other—they are merely different exercises that the barbell made possible. BBT3 discusses the variations you mention as assistance exercises in the power rack. They are valuable, but they will never replace the parent movement. As for our interpretation of the press, with all reps of the set done from the bottom position start, we recommend it this way because it satisfies the criteria we have established for exercise efficiency.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Choose the Right Fitness Program for You

Take this fitness personality test to find the right path to fitness for you.

I like personality tests. I’ve taken just about all of them, from Myers-Briggs to the Enneagram. While personality tests aren’t an exact science, in taking such tests, I have gotten to know myself a little better.

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mindful Recovery: How to Add Meditation to Your Routine

This recovery method is elegantly simple to practice, requires little space and no special equipment.

Zhan zhuang, or standing meditation exercise, has been used as a method of relaxation and health cultivation for thousands of years. The earliest known reference to standing appears in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Chinese Medicine.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

2 Back to School Recipes for Grown-ups Who Work Out

Back-to-school isn't just hard on the kids. These recipes will help us adults deal with the changes to our routines.

I find it a little offensive that all the back–to-school focus is on the kids and how it affects them. What about those of us who have to change our schedules to adapt to the kids going back to school? How could no one care about us? How can we be forgotten?

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Conditioning for Fighting with Mike Perry, Part I: Energy Systems 101

Fighters need to be ready for different amounts of effort at any moment. Mike Perry trains his athletes for that purpose.

Recently, I spoke with Mike Perry, from the Skill of Strength, to discuss training the energy systems in MMA fighters. He is one of the top practitioners of training energy systems and his fighters are known for their endurance in later rounds. But before Mike designs any program for his athletes, he firsts tests them. His process for doing this is certainly valuable for fighters, but also for any athlete in an endurance sport.

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Living the Dream in Chile

Some people want a huge house and fancy cars. Eduardo Aranguiz is happy living in a small loft above his affiliate, CrossFit BEF in Santiago, Chile.

“I am really happy living here,” he says. “I completed my dream.”

Aranguiz, who found CrossFit through YouTube videos from the 2008 CrossFit Games, traveled to Santa Clara, California, to meet NorCal CrossFit owner Jason Khalipa and obtain his Level 1 Certificate before opening his affiliate in 2014. Inspired by Khalipa’s success, Aranguiz wanted to learn from him.

Aranguiz captured what he calls “the essence” of CrossFit during his time in the United States, and now he’s sharing that spirit in the Chilean CrossFit community.

Video by Gary Roberts.

3min 45sec

Additional reading: International Exchange Mates by Pat Sherwood, published Dec. 2, 2013.

Government Licensure for Personal Trainers:  A Solution in Search of a Problem

by Brodie M. Butland, J.D., B.Sc., Starting Strength Coach “[R]ecent personal training licensing proposals would provide little or no benefit to the consuming public; are unworkable; and would require a hand-picked cabal to arbitrarily decide standards of care and requirements of practice, backed up by threat of criminal liability commensurate with serious offenses like drunk driving and assault.” Read More var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; “There is always a well-known solution to every human problem that is neat, plausible, and wrong.”– H.L. MenckenFor the personal trainers out there: what if I told you that you could be fined or imprisoned because you or one of your associates trains clients without having a particular one of the over 140 personal training certifications in existence? What if I told you that you could be legally prohibited, under pain of criminal punishment, from practicing your craft because five or six unelected bureaucrats disagree with your particular training methodology?Or maybe you’re not a gym owner or personal trainer – maybe you’re just someone with a sedentary day job who wants to work with a personal trainer who you trust, who makes you feel better, and who gets you the results you want. What if I told you that you could be legally prohibited from working with that particular trainer because those same bureaucrats don’t like the particular personal training certification he or she has? What if I told you that you could even be held criminally liable for working with that particular trainer? (Do you even know what personal training certification your trainer has? Do you even care, so long as you get results?)You’d probably call me paranoid, or dismiss me as spouting some crackpot fascist conspiracy that I read on the John Birch Society webpage.You’d also be wrong. The District of Columbia has already passed a law legally prohibiting one from providing personal training services without a state-conferred license.[1] The D.C. Department of Physical Therapy is currently drafting implementing regulations.[2] You read that right – professionals specializing in rehabilitating injured, disabled, and chronically ill patients will be drafting and enforcing regulations governing fitness professionals who train non-disabled, relatively-healthy people. Over the last five years, legislation has been introduced in five States (Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey) similarly prohibiting provision of personal training services without a license.[3] These bills would carry hefty fines and jail terms of up to a year for violators. Nevada seriously considered such regulation in 2006. In 2010 and 2011, respectively, California and Texas proposed voluntary licensing schemes for personal trainers.[4]Unless you’ve closely followed efforts to regulate the personal training profession (which I have found very difficult even as an attorney who has a practice area devoted to the fitness industry), or unless you viewed my presentation last year to the Starting Strength Coaches Association during its annual conference, you likely have not heard of any of this.Now you may be thinking: so what? Isn’t it a good thing to have personal trainers demonstrate that they have some minimum degree of competence? Exercise is dangerous, right? Isn’t your brother’s sister-in-law’s former roommate crippled for life because he deadlifted or something like that?Let’s put aside arguments against licensing based on general political or philosophical viewpoints, since not everyone (this author included) is categorically opposed to governmental regulation.[5] The problem is that state-required personal training licensing is unnecessary and would cause legal pandemonium, both for the fitness industry and for the consuming public. As discussed further below, recent personal training licensing proposals would provide little or no benefit to the consuming public; are unworkable; and would require a hand-picked cabal to arbitrarily decide standards of care and requirements of practice, backed up by threat of criminal liability commensurate with serious offenses like drunk driving and assault.Who is trying to regulate?Before getting into the problems with personal training licensure, let’s examine the fountainhead of the licensing impetus. The primary modern advocate for personal training regulation is the Coalition for the Registry of Exercise Professionals, or CREP. CREP is the lobbying arm of the US Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS), whose members consist of the Cooper Institute (CI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), the National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA), and the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). Each of these organizations has its own personal training certification.If you examine the most recent proposed personal training legislation, odds are you’ll find USREPS/CREP’s fingerprints on it in some way. For example, USREPS member organizations have been working with the District of Columbia since 2008 to develop the personal training law that was ultimately enacted in 2013,[6] and USREPS is currently helping to draft implementing regulatory language.[7] CREP also sends copies of its “Sample Legislation” (a copy of which is appended to this article) to state legislatures around the country. Georgia Senate Bill 204 (2011) contains a lot of the same language as CREP’s sample legislation. Four USREPS member organizations met with Massachusetts State Representative Paul Brodeur in connection with Massachusetts House Bill 1005 (2011), introduced by Mr. Brodeur and State Representative Robert Fennell. Mr. Fennell has introduced identical bills in 2013 (Mass. HB 209) and 2015 (Mass. HB 185).[8] Florida Senate Bill 1616 (2013) includes many similar concepts to CREP’s sample legislation, and requires that a USREPS member organization (ACE) be represented on the standard-setting board.[9]In short, the modern push for personal training regulation is not a consumer grassroots movement or a local response to a perceived local problem, but rather a concerted effort from a handful of personal training certification organizations requesting that they have input in deciding who may practice personal training and who may not. Just keep that in mind as we discuss the myriad problems with the proposed personal training regulations. Regulation – Bad for Personal Trainers, Gyms, and ClientsAlthough I am a litigator by trade, a good bit of my legal practice involves advising businesses (from one-man shops to Fortune 500 companies) on matters relating to administrative law, legal compliance, asset protection, and risk management. As a result, I have a great deal of background in reading, understanding, and interpreting statutes and regulations by federal and state government. I’d like to think that my professional background allows me to honestly appraise the benefits and disadvantages of proposed legislation – and in my view, as discussed below, personal training licensure would inject a great deal of legal uncertainty while providing no meaningful benefit to the fitness profession or the consumer.Problem with Personal Training Licensing #1: It’s unnecessary.Let’s begin with a basic principle: government licensing requirements should not be imposed unless there is an actual, serious problem in a profession. Licensing always imposes costs on consumers (typically in the form of higher prices), and often societal costs as well, such as lower availability of professional services and increased taxes for legal enforcement.[10] We don’t want to incur those costs unless doing so would prevent a harm outweighing those costs. Sure, it’s possible that your local barista will muck up your coffee order and seriously injure you – there are many instances of coffee establishments being sued because their coffee was not properly prepared and caused injury, and I’m sure with sufficient Googling you could even find a coffee-preparation-related fatality or two. But we don’t legally require that baristas attend Coffee School to receive a Coffee-Making Certification because, even though consumers may be seriously harmed from time to time by ill-prepared coffee, the total costs imposed by a coffee-licensing system outweigh the benefits.So what about personal training licensure? Calls for licensing are typically based on anecdotal evidence of people being seriously injured while weight training with a personal trainer. But the actual numbers show that recreational weight training is one of the lowest-risk physical activities in which one can participate, with an infinitesimally-small 0.0035 injuries per 100 participation hours – a rate far lower than soccer (6.2 injuries/100 hours), rugby (1.92), basketball (1.03), cross country (0.37), physical education class (0.18; who knew the giant parachute was so dangerous?), football (0.10), squash (0.10), or badminton (0.05).[11] And this holds true even though many people train horribly, even comically wrong. As far as I know, no one is clamoring for mandatory licensure of badminton coaches, despite that badminton has over 14 times the injury rate of weight training.It’s not just medical journals finding a lack of injuries from weight training. In 2010, the California Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development had this to say with respect to proposed personal training licensure:It is unclear whether requiring these individuals to complete certain programs will enhance the quality of their service or improve safety, particularly since there is not a substantial body of data highlighting serious harm or injury stemming from services offered by personal trainers in California.[12] In other words, the data shows that serious injuries resulting from personal training are rare, despite the anecdotes you may hear from time to time. Given the relative safety of weight training under the guide of a personal trainer, licensure simply isn’t needed. Problem with Personal Training Licensing #2: It won’t make personal training safer.Another basic principle: licensing should not be legally required unless it will actually improve consumer safety. There’s no evidence that this would be the case for the personal training profession. As a general matter, there is little evidence that licensing improves quality or safety of any given profession. Just last month, the Department of the Treasury, the Council of Economic Advisers, and the U.S. Department of Labor (all under a Democratic administration, it’s worth noting) jointly authored a report on occupational licensing. Examining numerous studies on licensing’s impacts on several different industries, the report concluded that “most research does not find that licensing improves quality or public health and safety.”[13]This is not to say that licensing would never improve quality or safety in any profession, and the government report was careful not to make such a categorical statement. But the report does indicate that licensing will only improve quality or safety in exceptional cases. Empirically speaking, improved quality due to state-imposed licensing is the exception, not the rule. And there is no indication that personal training is one of the exceptions. If a trainee is injured during a training session, it will almost always be while performing a movement incorrectly. Yet almost no personal training certifications require candidates to demonstrate proficiency in coaching actual, live trainees to perform particular movements (e.g., squat or bench press). Think about that for a second: you can get a personal training certification from the ACE, NASM, ISSA, ACSM, or NSCA (the five most popular personal training certifications) without ever having to demonstrate that you are capable of teaching someone a movement in real time.[14]Thus, not only is there no evidence that personal training has caused a spate of injuries to the consuming public, but there is no evidence that personal training licensure would meaningfully prevent the few isolated injuries that do occur. We do know, however, that requiring licensing will increase the cost of services to the consumer. It always does. Increased cost for no meaningful benefit? Sounds like a really bad deal.Problem with Personal Training Licensing #3: The ambiguities in the proposed personal training regulation bills inject significant uncertainty into the law and may impose criminal liability on unwitting individuals.Proposed personal training licensure laws carry stiff penalties for noncompliance – up to a year in prison,[15] as well as hefty fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the State.[16,17] Even more draconian, Florida SB 1616 would impose these penalties not only on unlicensed trainers, but on consumers who knowingly employ an unlicensed trainer.[18]These are the same penalties that can be imposed for drunk driving, assault, theft, and even negligent homicide in most States. So you’d think the proposed personal training licensing laws are at least clear on who and what they cover. But they aren’t – not even close – and it is nearly impossible to tell who is and is not bound by proposed personal training licensure laws. The definition of “personal training services.” The root of the problem is in the definition of personal training services. Here’s the definition that CREP proposes in its Model Law:A ‘Personal Fitness Trainer’ develops and implements and individualized approach to exercise using premeditated, non-choreographed exercise programs, utilizing collaborative goal-setting, behavioral coaching techniques, and other strategies to increase self-efficacy, motivation, self-regulation, overcoming barriers to change and technical coaching and instruction in physical fitness and conditioning for an individual client, or organized group of clients, who require pre-participation evaluation or instruction prior to engaging in the exercise regimen. Personal fitness trainers may work with any individual who does not require medical clearance prior to engaging in exercise or who has been cleared for exercise by a medical physician with a recommendation to participate in physical activity without the need for medical supervision. ‘Personal fitness trainer’ shall include personal trainers, personal fitness trainers, fitness coaches, Pilates teachers and persons performing similar physical fitness training instruction regardless of the designation used. This definition does not include group exercise instructors, physical activity leader [sic] or certified athletic trainers.[19] Even the IRS blushes at that one. CREP’s definition is so verbose that no proposed legislation has used it, but many laws have borrowed parts of it. For example, the District of Columbia’s licensing law defines a “personal fitness trainer” as:a person who develops and implements an individualized approach to exercise, including personal training and instruction in physical fitness and conditioning for an individual and a person who performs similar physical fitness training regardless of the designation used.[20] This definition is nearly identical to that proposed in Georgia SB 204, and is substantively similar to Florida SB 1616,[21] New Jersey SB 695 (2010),[22] and Massachusetts HB 185,[23] although the Massachusetts law expressly excludes all group exercise instruction from its ambit.[24] Maryland’s HB 747’s (2010) definition of personal training services is arguably the broadest, as it includes both the foregoing activities and enumerates several others, such as “encourag[ing] healthy behavior modifications.”[25]Clearly these regulations encompass the guy who develops a weight training program for you and supervises you while you perform the various exercises. But what about other types of activities that involve “training and instruction in physical fitness”? Gymnasts, cyclists, martial artists, track and field participants, and participants in other sports often hire coaches to create individualized approaches to make them better at their chosen activity. Don’t these coaches – at least the good ones – also engage in “collaborative goal-setting, behavioral coaching techniques, and other strategies to increase self-efficacy, motivation, self-regulation, overcoming barriers to change and technical coaching and instruction in physical fitness and conditioning”?[26] {pagebreak}What about Zumba, yoga, spinning, aerobics, and the various other group fitness activities that have become popular? These instructors spend a lot of time creating routines for their clients, and their routines are designed to better their clients’ physical fitness and conditioning.What about weight training seminars or workshops, like those that Starting Strength or Crossfit put on? They’re not only supervising weight training, but training and instructing on multiple levels.What about the teacher who receives a small pay increase to coach youth sports? It is not uncommon for youth sports coaches to also develop a physical training regimen for their kids to prepare for the upcoming season, and to supervise them in the weight room, especially in school districts strapped for cash.What if you and your training partner help develop each other’s programs, and coach each other on exercise form during your training sessions? What if, while you and your partner are training, a new gym member asks you for help in working on his form or developing a programming regimen, and you decide to help because you’re knowledgeable and a nice person? CREP’s and other States’ proposed legislation do not require that one be paid to be providing personal training services – the only outlier is the DC law, which exempts “gratuitous personal fitness trainings services provided by a friend or family member.”[27] (Query: can someone who comes to you for help, whom you’ve never met before, be considered a “friend”? -Shrug-)Taking the definition of “personal fitness trainer” or “personal training” at face value in the proposed laws, there is no reason to believe that any of the foregoing would fall outside the definition of a personal fitness trainer. Sure, the Powers That Be charged with enforcing the licensure laws may decide to exempt some or all of the above activities to avoid a regulatory nightmare, but there’s no principled reason to exempt any of those activities based on the proposed statutory language. And that’s the problem. Intended or not, the statutory language of proposed personal training licensing laws is so overbroad that it swallows nearly all types of athletic coaching. And it’s not just me saying this. Take this statement during a June 28, 2013 hearing on the bill that eventually became the DC personal training licensure law:The proposed definition for ‘personal fitness trainer’ is very broad and could potentially encompass individuals who are not in fact personal fitness trainers. . . . Given the uncertainty and the questions as to the necessity and capacity to regulate personal trainers, as well as potential impact, we respectfully recommend that the language related to personal fitness trainers be deleted from the bill at this time to allow for further discussion and study.[28] That’s Alison Lichy, then-President of the D.C. Physical Therapy Association – the organization that will actually implement the DC law. The DC government did not heed her warning, and now, despite that the DC bill passed in 2013, the DC Board of Physical Therapy still is trying to figure out how to implement the regulations.[29]Worse, the overbreadth problem inherent in a definition of “personal trainer” does not seem to be fixable. In 2006, Nevada passed SB 47, which established a subcommittee to explore creating a licensing scheme for personal trainers. The subcommittee folded after three years, expressing frustration with, among other things, “[t]he difficulties in trying to ascertain an appropriate jurisdiction for the industry.”[30] Translated into non-legalese: “we don’t know how in the blue bloody hell to define ‘personal trainer.’” If government officials tasked with drafting and enforcing the laws cannot figure out who is covered by proposed personal training licensing schemes, there’s no way you can. That, in and of itself, should disqualify personal training licensure from serious consideration.Exemptions to regulations. As noted above, one of the major problems with proposed personal training licensing laws is that their language applies to every type of fitness endeavor – even activities like group martial arts, Zumba, yoga, and spinning. Georgia SB 204, Florida SB 1616, and Maryland HB 747 do not have any clear exceptions that exempt these types of group activities, and New Jersey SB 695 expressly states that it equally applies to “group fitness instructors.”[31] Only the DC law, Massachusetts HB 185, and CREP’s model legislation attempt to account for the “group fitness” problem – but their approaches, far from offering clarity, only inject more arbitrariness and uncertainty into the licensing cauldron.Massachusetts HB 185 simply exempts all group exercise from licensing.[32] The bill defines a “group exercise instructor” as “an individual who instructs more than one person at one time, with or without equipment, in exercises designed to improve cardiovascular conditioning, muscular strength, flexibility and weight loss in classes that include, but are not limited to, martial arts, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing, boot camp, spinning and any other group class that is taught at a fitness facility.”[33] DC Code § 3-1209.08(c)(4) similarly exempts the supervision of athletic activities (including weightlifting) by coaches, physical education instructors, or gym instructors.You’ve probably recognized an obvious oddity in Massachusetts HB 185 and D.C. Code § 3-1209.08: so long as personal training occurs in the context of a group class, it is exempt from licensure under the language of the exceptions. This creates the somewhat absurd situation where an unlicensed person providing weight training coaching to one person would be in legal hot water, but that same person providing weight training coaching (or “supervision”) to two or more people at the same time would not. Talk about arbitrary and nonsensical! CREP (somewhat self-interestedly) complained about this very problem, noting that Massachusetts HB 185’s complete exemption for group fitness instructors “could result in a significant number of individuals circumventing the requirements for practice in the Commonwealth[.]”[34] But CREP’s solution isn’t much better: its model legislation exempts group fitness instructors, but only if they – and I’m not making this up – “provide choreographed exercise leadership to music.”[35] Needless to say, CREP has not explained why a personal trainer suddenly becomes less dangerous to his clients once music starts playing. In fact, the data shows the opposite – whereas weight training has an injury rate of 0.0035 injuries per 100 participation hours, the injury rate for aerobic dance is 285 times higher, at 1 injury per 100 participation hours.[36] One study found that over 1 in 4 Zumba participants experienced an injury over an average of 11 months of participation,[37] an injury rate unheard of with traditional personal training services.[38]Again presumably to avoid the “group fitness” problem, CREP’s model legislation also exempts “physical activity leaders” from licensing requirements,[39]defined as “a lay person leading varied levels of physical activity to groups of people.”[40] Leaders of hiking clubs or gym teachers in school PE classes would certainly fall within the “physical activity leader” exception. Then again, so would someone leading Crossfit workouts of the day (WODs) or named Crossfit workouts (e.g., Fran, Murph), since these involve non-individualized routines performed by people of different physical activity levels. But given that USREPS members have repeatedly referenced Crossfit certifications and programs in calling for trainers to hold “recognized” or “accredited” certifications,[41] it is inconceivable that USREPS’s model legislation would permit Crossfit affiliates to continue “business as usual” after its enactment – especially since USREPS’s model legislation requires that half of the regulating Board be people with NCCA-accredited certifications.[42]In short, even if a particular type of group activity (such as Crossfit WODs) falls under the text of CREP’s “physical activity leader” exception, there is a very real possibility that it would be subject to licensure requirements anyways because the Powers That Be have deemed that particular group activity too dangerous. The last thing one a professional licensing framework should establish is a vague jurisdictional standard where determination of whether activities require licensure falls solely to the whim of an administrative authority – especially one that could financially benefit from the outcome. But such an arbitrary heckler’s veto is precisely what CREP’s proposed legislation would entail, and it is highly problematic for that reason.Problem with Personal Training Licensing #4: Proposed legislation confers an unjustified oligopoly on acceptable personal training certifications.The flat out unworkability of the language in proposed personal training legislation is one primary reason to oppose it. Its creation of an unjustified monopoly (or, more accurately, an oligopoly – market control by a small number of participants) in the personal training profession is another.The oligopoly is created in two ways. First, personal training licensing bills significantly restrict the personal training certifications that are deemed “acceptable” for licensure. I have found over 140 personal training certifications in the United States. Proposed laws in Florida, Massachusetts, Georgia, and New Jersey, however, would only recognize personal training certifications accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).[43] The NCCA only accredits 16 personal training certifications (all of USREPS’s seven members are included).[44] Maryland HB 747 is even more restrictive, requiring those practicing “limited personal training” (which includes many functions inherent in the personal training profession) to hold a personal training certification from a program approved by ACE.[45] I’m sure it’s no surprise that CREP’s model legislation only recognizes NCCA-accredited certifications as well.[46]You may be asking: why is this problematic? Doesn’t accreditation by the NCCA show that those personal training certifications are better than others? Well, not really. As other commentators have noted, the NCCA is primarily concerned with the process for giving certifications, not the substance behind those certifications.[47] And just because a certification is not NCCA-accredited does not mean that it is inferior. The certifying organization simply may never have bothered to apply for NCCA accreditation, or it may have sought accreditation from a different organization. For example, Crossfit’s Level 1 certification is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and USA Track and Field’s coaching certification is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Excellence (NCACE). Interestingly, neither ANSI nor NCACE has accredited the personal training certifications offered by USREPS members. The Aasgaard Company, which awards the Starting Strength Coach credential,[48] has elected not to seek NCCA accreditation – like, I would imagine, many of the organizations offering the other 124+ personal training certifications. Lack of NCCA accreditation is hardly an indictment of a personal training certification, and there is no inherent reason why personal training certifications other than the 16 accredited by the NCCA should be categorically excluded from consideration as a matter of law.Second, personal training licensing bills provide that USREPS members have reserved seats on the administrative body enforcing the personal training regulations.[49] Some representation is substantially disproportionate. Florida SB 1616 provides that five of nine board seats must be filled by personal trainers certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the ACE, or the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA).[50] CREP’s model law requires that four of eight board seats be filled with personal trainers holding NCCA-accredited certifications.[51]With this type of representation – and the exclusion of trainers holding “unrecognized” certifications – it is not unreasonable to believe that the administrative agencies enforcing the personal training laws will, over time, begin reverting to protectionism. Protectionism is great for those who are part of the “in-group” – they can keep competition out and charge higher prices as a result. But it is a death-knell for those holding “unrecognized” certifications and a disaster for the consuming public, who will be forced to contend with fewer personal training options and higher prices for the limited remaining services. Proposed personal training licensing schemes do not even attempt to prevent this danger.Problem with Personal Training Licensing #5: Proposed legislation will impose legal repercussions for failing to conform to “standards of practice” imposed by government fiat.This problem with personal training licensing bills is arguably the worst of them all. Legislative proposals, you see, do not merely preclude certain individuals from providing personal training services. They also require that the enforcing authorities create “standards of practice” that can be used as a bludgeon for personal trainers who may have a different view of what types of training are best for their clients: CREP’s model legislation authorizes the “board” (the administrative agency charged with enforcing the personal training licensing laws) to “enforce established practice and qualifications guidelines for exercise professionals,”[52] and to suspend or revoke a license for violating any of the “rules and regulations adopted by the board.”[53] Georgia SB 204 would require the board to “establish guidelines for personal fitness trainers in this state,” and it permits the board to “suspend or revoke the license of any licensee if he or she has . . . [v]iolated or conspired to violate or failed to abide by the law, this chapter, or rules and regulations adopted by the board as provided for in this chapter.”[54] Maryland HB 747 would permit the board to revoke or suspend a personal trainer’s license if he “is guilty of unprofessional or immoral conduct in the practice of personal training” or “fails to meet appropriate standards for the delivery of personal training[.]”[55] The bill does not define what constitutes “unprofessional or immoral conduct” or “appropriate standards” for personal training services. Florida SB 1616, the most extreme, requires the board to “[e]stablish a code of ethics and standards of practice and care for personal trainers” and adopt rules relating to “the allowable scope of practice regarding the use of equipment, licensure requirements, . . . protocols, and other requirements necessary to regulate the practice of personal training.”[56] The bill permits the board to take disciplinary action for “[i\ncompetency or misconduct in the practice of personal training” or “[g]ross negligence or repeated negligence in the practice of personal training,” among other things.[57] If you are a personal trainer or gym owner, this should terrify you, even if you have an NCCA-accredited personal training certificate. Because it means that a simple majority of government bureaucrats can end your livelihood if you run afoul of what they deem to be an “appropriate practice.”{pagebreak}Let me illustrate. Here is what the ACSM – a USREPS member pushing hard for personal training licensure – defines as a “squat”[58]: Figure 14.5a, demonstrating the start (left) and finish (right) positions of the squat. (From ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer, page 389) I’m sure a lot of you personal trainers and lifters out there are literally LOLing. What the ACSM considers a “squat” would be considered a “quarter squat” – or perhaps generously a “half squat” – by a vast number of athletes and personal trainers. It is well above what a substantial part of the personal training industry and most powerlifting federations define as a proper squat, where the crease of the thigh (A) is below the top of the kneecap (B), like this: Now suppose that, in accordance with the personal training licensing bills above, the Powers That Be decide that the ACSM’s depiction is the “industry-accepted” way to teach new trainees to squat – rather plausible, given that the ACSM, as one of the largest NCCA-accredited personal training certifications, is very likely to be represented on the enforcement board. This now means that if you instruct your new trainees to perform a below-parallel squat (what many of us would call a “real squat,” or just a “squat”), you can be subject to discipline, including revocation of your license and termination of your livelihood as a personal trainer. And you would be subject to discipline even though there is substantial medical evidence and biomechanical analysis that below-parallel squats are safer and more effective than above-parallel squats if performed correctly.[59]See the problem? Proposed personal training licensing bills require that a small number of individuals, from a small number of certifying organizations, decide acceptable standards of practice for everyone. Disagree with their decision? Have studies showing that other options are safer and more effective than their decreed standard? Tough – either find a new profession or don’t get caught. And because proposed personal training licensure laws only countenance a handful of “acceptable” personal training certifications, correction of wayward “industry standards” would be extremely difficult because “outsiders” lacking an NCCA-accredited personal training certification do not even have a seat at the regulatory table. It’s groupthink at its worst – except that the consequences impact not only fitness professionals, but their clients as well.CONCLUSIONAlthough I hold a Starting Strength Coach certification, I don’t have much of a personal training practice – it’s very difficult to do as a full-time lawyer in a large law firm. And I’m not a libertarian who worries about tents and camels’ noses.But personal training licensure – or more accurately, my intense distaste for it – is a very personal issue to me for another reason. Last year, I squatted 402 lbs. at a powerlifting meet. (Also benched 270 lbs. and deadlifted 402 lbs.) It’s a paltry weight by competition standards (I didn’t place at the meet), but for me, it represented a personal accomplishment that, even as recently as 2012, was “impossible.” After all, only football players and serious powerlifters or weightlifters can squat four bills, and I am a chess player and board gamer who stopped playing competitive sports when I was nine.I was only able to squat that weight because two years earlier, I happened upon Mark Rippetoe and his seminal book, Starting Strength (then in its second edition), and attended one of his seminars. Mind you, in the three years prior to discovering Starting Strength, I had hired personal trainers certified by the NASC and the ACSM – but I never cracked a 250 lbs. squat under any of them, and I had gawdawful form on more or less every lift. That June 2012 seminar forever changed the course of my life.Mark Rippetoe does not have an NCCA-accredited personal training certification – he formally relinquished his NSCA credential in 2009. Had these personal training licensure bills been law in 2012, I would not have been able to attend Rip’s seminar, and would have remained a weaker, less healthy person, perhaps under the guidance of a third or fourth personal trainer with an NCCA-accredited certification.Proposed personal training licensure laws would have real and serious impacts on real people’s lives in a way that I don’t believe licensure proponents have fully thought out. I wrote this article because it’s important that people working in the fitness industry and the general public understand these consequences. Even if licensure proponents are animated by a noble purpose, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes. It is my belief that government-imposed personal training licensure would create a legal quagmire and impose new costs and layers of bureaucracy to solve a problem that, according to the data, is more imagined than real. Personal training licensure is, in short, a bad solution in search of a problem. And even for Democrats like me, that is always the wrong reason to legislate. Brodie M. Butland, J.D., B.Sc., Starting Strength Coach, and all-around Awesome Dude is an attorney with the law firm Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, LLP, which provides legal services for clients throughout the United States. He counsels clients, both small and large, in various business matters, including risk management, business contracts, commercial law, trade secrets, products liability, wage and hour issues, and litigation. He earned the Starting Strength Coach credential in August 2012. Although the opinions in this article are those of the author only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Porter Wright, they also have the advantage of being correct. Special thanks to Tiffany Henderson and Mitchell Prentis for research assistance and to Mark Rippetoe, Nicholas Racculia, Laureen Atkins, and Liz Forester for their review of this article’s initial draft and their helpful suggestions. CREP Model Legislation References & Notes1 D.C. Code § 2-1209.08 et seq.2 See D.C. Board of Physical Therapy Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2015, at 4, (“The board discussed the draft of language for personal fitness trainer regulations and made changes. The board received recommendations from the public.”).3 Ga. S.B. 441 (2009-10); Md. H.B. 747 (2010); N.J. S.B. 695 (2010); Ga. SB. 204 (2011); Mass. H.B. 1005 (2011); Fla. H.B. 1257 (2012); Fla. S.B. 984 (2012); N.J. S.B. 731 (2012); Fla. S.B. 1616 (2013); Mass. H.B. 209 (2013); Fla. S.B. 1616 (2014); Mass. H.B. 185 (2015).4 Tex. H.B. 3800 (2011); Cal. S.B. 1043 (2009-10).5 I, for example, believe that regulation in general, and licensing schemes in particular, have their place, and I am part of a (justifiably) licensed profession.6 Senora Simpson, the Chair of the Board of Physical Therapy, acknowledged in her testimony before the DC Committee on Health on June 28, 2013, that the Board began “conferring with . . . the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)” to develop the legislation since 2008. See 7 8 9 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.8511(2)).10 Dep’t of the Treasury Office of Economic Policy, Council of Economic Advisers, and Dep’t of Labor, Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers, at 7, 12 (July 2015). Some bills would be more expensive to enforce than others. For example, Maryland HB 747, proposed § 11.5-204(C) (2010), provides that all eight members of the enforcement board are entitled to compensation and reimbursement for expenses.11 Brian P. Hamill, Relative Safety of Weightlifting and Weight Training, 8 J. of Strength and Conditioning Research 53, 56 (1994).12 Cal. S. Cmte. on Business, Professions and Economic Development, Report on SB 1043, at 5 (May 3, 2010) (emphasis added). California SB 1043 was identical to the earlier SB 374 introduced in 2009. Id. The report notes no support for either bill from the general public as of April 28, 2010, but notes opposition from the California Physical Therapy Association. Id.13 Dep’t of the Treasury Office of Economic Policy, Council of Economic Advisers, and U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers, at 13 (July 2015) (emphasis added).14 In fact, the Aasgaard Company, which awards the Starting Strength Coach credential, is the only organization I am aware of that requires demonstrated proficiency in real-time coaching through different movement to receive any certification offered by the organization. I have not personally reviewed the requirements to earn every one of the 140+ personal training certifications that exist, but suffice it to say, very few certifications require demonstration of require demonstration of real-time coaching ability.15 Ga. SB 204 (proposed § 43-5A-14); Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.852); Fla. Rev. Stat. §§ 775.082, 775.083; Md. HB 747 (proposed § 11.5-312(A)).16 Ga. SB 204 (proposed § 43-5A-14) ($5,000 fine); Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.852) ($1,000 fine); Md. HB 747 (proposed § 11.5-312) (court may impose $1,000 fine, administrative agency may impose $5,000 fine).17 CREP’s model legislation contains a provision providing for imprisonment and a fine, but it leaves the penalty up to the legislator. Model Bill § 43-XX-14. D.C. Code § 3-1209.08 and New Jersey SB 695, § 12 (2010), do not specify a penalty, but instead requires the enforcement board to determine how to enforce the law. California SB 1043 and Massachusetts HB 185 do not contain any enforcement mechanisms whatsoever, which appears to be a product of incompleteness rather than design. Indeed, the legislative analysis of California HB 1043 noted that the bill “does not specify any recourse for a person who violates the title act,” and recommends that “[t]he Author may want to consider what penalties should apply to violation of this title act.” Cal. S. Cmte. on Business, Professions and Economic Development, Report on SB 1043, at 5 (May 3, 2010).{pagebreak}18 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.852).19 Model Bill § 43-XX-1(3).20 D.C. Code § 3-1209.08(a).21 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.851(5)) (defining a “personal trainer” as “a person who evaluates a client’s health and physical fitness; develops a personal exercise plan or program, or core-induced activity, for the client; and demonstrates, with or without equipment, exercises designed to improve cardiovascular condition, muscular strength, flexibility, or weight loss”).22 N.J. SB 695, § 2 (“‘Personal trainer’ means a person who evaluates an individual’s physical fitness; develops a personal exercise plan or program for an individual; and demonstrates, with or without equipment, exercises designed to improve cardiovascular condition, muscular strength, flexibility and weight loss.”). New Jersey SB 695 is confusing for other reasons as well. The official bill summary is inconsistent with the bill text in several instances. Further, the bill requires that “[a] fitness professional shall not . . . evaluate, treat, or rehabilitate a condition or injury to any individual, unless done under the direct supervision of a physician licensed in this State.” N.J. SB 695, § 11(b). This provision adds yet another (and significant) layer of uncertainty to the law, as none of those terms is defined in the proposed statute.23 Mass. HB 185 (proposed § 23A) (defining “personal trainer” as “a person who develops a personal exercise plan or program for an individual; and demonstrates, with or without equipment, exercised designed to improve cardiovascular condition, muscular strength, flexibility and/or weight loss”).24 Mass. HB 185 § 1 (adding new § 23A defining “personal trainer” as “a person who develops a personal exercise plan or program for an individual; and demonstrates, with or without equipment, exercised designed to improve cardiovascular condition, muscular strength, flexibility and/or weight loss”).25 Md. HB 727 (proposed § 11.5-101(F), (G)) (defining practicing personal training as, among other things, “demonstrat[ing] fitness and conditioning exercises and provid[ing] instruction using fundamental exercise science principles,” “implement[ing] programs to motivate clients to maintain healthy behaviors and encourage healthy behavior modifications,” “develop[ing] appropriate fitness and conditioning exercises for persons who are at least 13 years old and who . . . are in good health; or . . . have controlled medical conditions and have been authorized to perform independent physical activity by a physician licensed under this article,” “design[ing] programs to motivate clients with controlled medical conditions to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors,” and designing similar programs for people who have movement dysfunction, neuromuscular or orthopedic conditions, or other special needs who have been cleared by a physician to perform independent physical activity).26 Indeed, USA Track and Field, the Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association, and USA Cycling all have their own coaching certifications.—-/Coaches/Coaching-Education.aspx (USATF), (MMACA), (USA Cycling). There are even coaching certifications for sports like baseball or football. The Babe Ruth League Coaching Education Center offers several levels of coaching certifications for youth baseball coaches. See USA Football boasts itself as the “national leader in football coaching certification.” See D.C. Code § 3-1209.08(c)(2).28 Alison Lichy, Testimony to the District of Columbia Committee on Health (June 28, 2013). 29 See Andrea Maria Cecil, DC Personal Trainer Licensure on Hold – For Now, Crossfit Journal (Feb. 17, 2015), available at Letter of Rob Conaser, Chairman, Subcommittee for Fitness Professionals to Director, Legislative Counsel Bureau, at 2 (Feb. 20, 2009).31 N.J. SB 695, §§ 2, 4.32 Mass. HB 185 § 2 (“The certification requirements set forth in section 23F½ shall not apply to . . . Group exercise instructors[.]”). 33 Mass. HB 185 § 1 (definition of “group exercise instructor”).34 CREP, Policy We Follow, analysis of Mass. HB 185, available at Model Bill § 43-XX-1(3), (4).36 Edward T. Howley and Dixie L. Thompson, Fitness Professionals’ Handbook 417 (6th ed. 2012) (“Injury is always a potential risk in any fitness program, and group exercise classes are no different. One review found that about 44% of students and 76% of instructors reported injuries resulting from aerobic dance, with the injury rate being 1 injury per 100 hr of activity for students and 0.22 to 1.16 injuries per 100 hr for instructors.”).37 Jill Inouye, et al., A Survey of Musculoskeletal Injuries Associated with Zumba, 72 Haw. J. Med. Pub. Health 12 (Dec. 2013) (“Participants were mostly female (82%), averaged 43.9 years of age (range 19 to 69 years), and took an average of 3 classes/week (1–2 hours/class) for an average of 11 months. Fourteen participants (29%) reported 21 prior Zumba-related injuries. Half of the 14 injured sought care from medical providers for their injuries. Of the 21 injuries, the most frequently injured sites were knees (42%), ankles (14%), and shoulders (14%).”).38 Another difficulty raised by CREP’s exception is its failure to define what constitutes being “choreographed . . . to music.” Is it merely enough for an exercise leader to have music playing while performing exercise movements, or do the movements have to have some relationship to the particular rhythms of the music? And what constitutes “music” for this purpose, anyways? John Cage’s 4’33” is, as the song title implies, 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silent notes – would CREP’s “group exercise instructor” exception be satisfied if the exercise leader played 4’33” on repeat?39 Model Bill § 43-XX-1(3). It also does not include athletic trainers, but athletic trainers are a narrow subset of professionals that work with sports injuries. Many States already regulate athletic trainers, so that is a separate issue that will not be addressed in this article.40 Model Bill § 43-XX-1(5).41 See, e.g., Michael F. Bergeron, et al., Consortium for Health and Military Performance and American College of Sports Medicine Consensus Paper on Extreme Conditioning Programs in Military Personnel, 10 Current Sports Medicine Reports 383, 387 (2011) (suggesting that overexertion injuries resulting from “extreme conditioning programs” such as “Crossfit” could be mitigated if, among other things, clients were overseen by personal trainers having certifications “from recognized nonprofit certifying organizations (e.g., ACSM, NSCA)”); Nick Clayton and NSCA, Personal Training Certification: Navigating the Professional Quagmire, 2 Fitness Trainer 46, 46 (June 2014) (contrasting “an accredited certification” recognized by the NCCA with a “Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certification Course”); Guy Leahy, Evidence-Based Physical Training: Do Crossfit or P90X Make the Cut, NSCA, available at (specifically noting that Crossfit’s trainer certification is not NCCA certified, whereas NSCA and ACSM are).42 Model Bill § 43-XX-2(a)(i) (at least four of eight board members must be “currently certified through a national certification program that is accredited by the [NCCA]”).43 Florida SB 1616 and Massachusetts HB 185 require that would-be trainers have an NCCA-accredited certification. Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.8516(4)); Mass. HB 185 § 2. Georgia SB 204 requires that a personal trainer applicant pass an examination that the board of fitness trainers creates – unless he has a certification from an NCCA-accredited organization, in which case the board may waive the exam. Ga. SB 204 (proposed §§ 43-5A-6(c), 8(b)). New Jersey SB 695 requires “fitness professionals” (which include both personal trainers and group fitness instructors) to have an associate’s degree or better in a health and fitness field, or to complete a 200-hour classroom study (with 50 hours of an internship) and pass an exam – but this requirement may be waived for currently-practicing fitness professionals who have an NCCA-accredited personal training certification. N.J. SB 695, §§ 5, 6. The proposed law also requires that the enforcing “board” approve the NCCA certification, and that the currently-practicing fitness professional apply to the board within two years of enforcement regulations being promulgated.44 (select “Fitness and Wellness”).45 Md. HB 747 (proposed § 11.5-303(C)(1)).46 Model Bill §§ 43-XX-8(b), 43-XX-10(4), (5).47 See, e.g., Mark Rippetoe, Big Brother is Watching You Squat – State Regulation: What Coaches and Trainers Need to Know, T-Nation (July 29, 2015), available at The Starting Strength Coach credential is only awarded after a candidate (1) participates in 25 hours of classroom and coaching instruction at a Starting Strength seminar; (2) passes a “platform evaluation” at the seminar by demonstrating an ability to coach actual people in real time to correctly perform the squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, and power clean; and (3) assuming a passing score on the platform exam, passes a written exam that typically takes more than 20 hours to complete. Only around 10 percent of all individuals who attend Starting Strength seminars ultimately earn a Starting Strength Coach credential, which is far and away among the lowest passage rates in the fitness industry.49 See, e.g., Ga. SB 204 (proposed § 43-5A-2) (requiring at least one member of Georgia Board of Fitness Trainers to be a personal trainer certified by an NCCA-accredited organization).50 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed§ 468.8511(1), (2)).51 Model Bill § 43-XX-2(a).52 Model Bill § 43-XX-6(c).53 Model Bill § 45-XX-10(7).54 Ga. SB 204 (proposed §§ 43-5A-6(c), 10(c)(5)).55 Md. HB 747 (proposed § 11.5-308(A)(3), (14)).56 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed §§ 468.8512(4), 468.8515).57 Fla. SB 1616 (proposed § 468.8521(1)(b), (d)).58 See also, e.g., Jeff Chandler, et al., Safety of the Squat Exercise, ACSM Current Comment, available at (“The depth of the squat is generally recommended to the point where the tops of the thighs are parallel with the floor.”).59 See, e.g., Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training 16-19 (3d ed. 2014) (explaining biomechanically that a properly-performed below-parallel squat is safer for the knee and back than above-parallel squats); Michael Keiner, et al., Correlations Between Maximal Strength Tests at Different Squat Depths and Sprint Performance in Adolescent Soccer Players, 2 Am. J. Sports Science 1, 4-5 (Nov. 2014) (“[W]hen compared to half and quarter squats, the deep squat variant causes less shear and compress stress at the knee-joints and vertebral column. . . . [T]he deeper squat variant requires less weight to generate an adequate stress stimulus for the lower extremities compared with the quarter and half squats. When compared to half and quarter squats, the deep squat involves lower shear and compressive stresses on the knee joint and vertebral column.”); Hagen Hartmann, et al., Analysis of the Load on the Knee Joint and Vertebral Column with Changes in Squatting Depth and Weight Load, 43 Sports Medicine 993 (Oct. 2013) (noting the potential danger of half-squats because the turning point corresponds to the greatest patellofemoral compressive forces and greatest compressive stresses at the moment of least anatomical support, and concluding that below-parallel squats “present[] an effective training exercise for protection against injuries and strengthening of the lower extremity. Contrary to commonly voiced concern, deep squats do not contribute increased risk of injury to passive tissues” in the knee or back); Hagen Hartmann, et al., Influence of Squatting Depth on Jumping Performance, 26 J. Strength and Conditioning Research 3243, 3257 (Dec. 2012) (“In deep squats, neither anterior nor posterior shear forces may be expected to reach magnitudes, which can harm an intact anterior or posterior cruciate ligament. Training studies with a duration of 8-21 weeks confirm that parallel and deep back squats do not have any negative effects on knee ligament stability. . . . Compared with the quarter squat, the deeper joint positions of deep and parallel squats offer, despite lower training loads, better tension stimuli of the leg extensors for the development of muscle, dynamic maximal strength, and dynamic speed-strength ability. This can be achieved with comparatively lower axial compressive and shear forces of the spinal column. According to the presented facts, the necessity of quarter squat training has to be seriously questioned.”); Robert A. Panariello, et al., The Effect of the Squat Exercise on Anterior-posterior Knee Translation in Professional Football Players, 22 Am. J. Sports Medicine 768, 769, 771-72 (1994) (finding “no significant increase in anterior-posterior (AP) knee translation in athletes using the [below-parallel] squat exercise as part of their off-season weight training program”).