Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WOD Nation is devoted to getting more people to jump rope daily

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 11, 2014 ) San Francisco, CA -- In an interview about the benefits of jumping rope, WOD Nation co-founder Matthew Stanton states, "Jumping rope is one of the greatest exercise equipments and it has many perks as well. From being inexpensive to be extremely useful, you can work out in an excellent manner using the mighty jumping rope. So even if you have not picked up a rope since your kindergarten days, it may just be the right time now to do so. Jumping rope does wonders to your heart and also helps improve your motor skills considerably. People with all kinds of weight loss goals can try a jumping rope as it can be used extensively and in moderation as well."

The top 3 reasons jumping rope is great for health given by WOD Nation are: 

1. Jumping rope improves circulation. Jumping rope can increase heart rate by two or three times with just a few minutes of jumping. This improves circulation and also helps burn calories at a rapid rate. 
2. Jump ropes are easy to carry. Jumping rope is a fairly uncomplicated exercise and can be performed at home, at the gym, in a park, etc. So whenever someone feels they want to give their heart a boost, they can simply take the rope out of their bag and start working out. 
3. Jumping rope builds endurance. For those looking to increase stamina and build endurance, then this equipment is ideal. Jumping rope helps immensely when trying to build up endurance levels. 

Most people can benefit from jumping rope as this exercise can be carried out at any level. Beginners can start off with a 5-10 minute daily schedule. This will help them to get eased into the workout schedule and they can increase the duration with time. If the athlete wants to push themselves and make the most of their workout, they can jump rope for 20 or 30 minutes every day. 

Everyone must be careful and speak to a doctor before starting to use a jumping rope. People who have heart ailments or who suffer from joint pains may have to apply caution before they begin this exercise regime. However, once given the go-ahead from a doctor, they can start using the rope without any problems whatsoever.

The WOD Nation speed rope was made specifically for mastering double unders. It is a serious exercising equipment and not a toy unlike many other jumping ropes found online. It is very user-friendly and adjustable to fit any athlete. 
The rope can be purchased at

About WOD Nation

WOD Nation is a United States based company that provides workout gear to elite athletes. All of the company's fitness products are rigorously tested by athletes around the world to ensure they meet the demands of intense exercise programs. WOD Nation's website can be found at (

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